News & Stories
Cooper Learning Center Offers Upcoming Summer Programs
As the region’s only child-learning program affiliated with a university-level medical center, the Cooper Learning Center at the Children’s Regional Hospital, offers parents and children the most advanced methods and expert clinical consultation for treating learning difficulties.
Since the program’s inception in 1995, the Cooper Learning Center, under the direction of Richard Selznick, PhD, has helped thousands of children learn to read and build self-esteem. The Center offers individual and small-group instruction. A number of upcoming summer programs are available:
Lanning Square Summer Reading Project
Six-week remedial reading support program is for students in the Lanning Square section of Camden, who are in grades K-3. The program includes four full days a week; no cost to families.
Summer Reading Camp in Voorhees
Eight-week reading support from the last week in June through the second week of August for students from K-12-years old.
Spring and Summer Reading Therapy
Hourly support sessions held at both Moorestown and Voorhees offices for students, K-high school age. Early evening and daytime hours are available.
“Helping Parents Wade Through the IEP and Evaluation Paperwork Nightmare!!”
Dr. Richard Selznick will present this informational workshop in conjunction with the New Jersey Learning Disabilities Association, on June 25 from 7 to 9 p.m. at our Town Center located on Centennial Ave in Voorhees.
Summer Educational Trainings for Teachers
Cooper Learning Center will host summer educational trainings in the areas of “Social Thinking,” “Vocabulary Building” and “Understanding Reading Difficulties.” Trainings are open to public and private school teachers throughout the area.
Lecture and A Latte Series
Series of monthly workshops with topics aimed at parents and educators presented by leaders in our Pediatric staff, including Dr. Richard Selznick, Dr. Michael H. Goodman and Dr. Thomas Drake.
For more information, please contact the Cooper Learning Center at