News & Stories


Foundation Faces – Jes Smith

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Welcome to “Foundation Faces,” our blog series that takes you beyond the polished exterior to share the real-life stories of the people who make The Cooper Foundation thrive.

This week, we’re featuring Jes Smith, who recently transitioned from a successful nine-year career as a clinical nurse at Cooper into his new role at The Cooper Foundation. Jes now channels his passion for healthcare into philanthropy, where he helps grateful patients connect their experiences with opportunities to give back.

Here’s more from Jes in his own words:

What drew you to the Foundation initially?

My initial draw occurred when I was informed of The Foundation’s strategic plan to invest in and develop a Grateful Patient Program. Being that my 9-year professional nursing career at Cooper was primarily clinical in nature, the decision to join The Cooper Foundation was a significant career path change for me. Very unnerving. Now, it is an absolute honor to be tasked with connecting our incredible patients who are grateful for the care they receive to a purpose that fulfills and inspires them to give back to Cooper.

What is most rewarding about working at the Foundation for you?

I have found that some of the most rewarding work I experience while at The Foundation is a direct result of the relationships built here with colleagues, providers, donors and community partners. I get the opportunity to hear about everyone’s unique “Cooper Story” and the extraordinary ways they have been impacted by our organization. It definitely fills my cup and makes me proud to work here.

What skills or lessons have you gained since your start here that will help you with your job/life going forward?

One of the biggest lessons that continues to be reinforced is that people will not always remember what you’ve done for them but how you have made them feel. It is important to recognize everyone the Foundation touches as special and treating them as such is a significant part of the work we do here. Invoking a positive emotional response is vital to connecting with one another and accomplishing goals.

Who or what inspires you?

At risk of sounding cliché, I strongly believe that the resounding growth and development of Cooper University Healthcare inspires me both professionally and personally. I often find myself sharing the great work being done here amongst friends, family, and even strangers. Healthcare can be a challenging and rewarding industry to work in, which motivates me to show up with my best self in hopes to make a difference.

What do you like to do when you’re not working?

While away from work, I enjoy spending quality time on the Strathmere beach with my husband Jason, daughter Ky and Boxer pups Scarlett Jo and Milo.

As we close this week’s Foundation Faces feature on Jes Smith, his story reminds us of what truly matters—making meaningful connections and creating a lasting impact. Jes’s transition from clinical care to philanthropy is a powerful example of the heart and dedication that drive The Cooper Foundation. It’s not just about the work we do; it’s about the people and the shared mission that brings us together. Thanks for getting to know Jes with us and stay tuned for more stories that highlight the incredible individuals behind our mission.