Ilene: Cancer Genetic Testing Saved My Life
Ilene, the eldest of three sisters, was devastated. Her middle sister, Laura, had recently been diagnosed with breast cancer at age 44. The family, already very close, became even closer as they supported Laura through her treatment and recovery.
Because of her age and Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, Laura’s doctors suspected that she may be carrying a gene mutation that made her more susceptible to breast and ovarian cancer — and they were right. Genetic testing determined that Laura had a BRCA gene mutation, and her doctors recommended that both Ilene and Deena (the youngest of the three sisters) consider genetic testing to see if they, too, were at increased risk. Read More.
Dona Halter: “Back to Normal” After Colon Cancer
Dona knew something wasn’t right for a while. After a colonoscopy at the Cooper Digestive Health Institute—part of MD Anderson at Cooper — she learned she had colon cancer. With the support of her husband Pete and two teenaged children, she went through surgery, chemotherapy and radiation treatment with little interruption to her daily routine. Today, back to work full-time and coaching her daughter’s softball team, Dona considers herself lucky to have found her team at MD Anderson at Cooper who worked seamlessly to get her back to health and the pleasures of everyday life. Watch Her Story.
From Skiing to Tennis to Break Dancing, Cooper Bone and Joint Keeps Graham Going
As a successful business man, 55-year-old Steve Graham believes in maintaining a sound mind and sound body. That positive energy has translated into his work as the Founder and Senior Managing Principal of Graham Partners, a private investment firm in Newtown Square, PA.
“At my age, I want to continue to retain my physical vitality,” said Graham, a longtime patient of Dr. Lawrence Miller, Director of the Cooper Bone and Joint Institute. “Larry and Cooper have enabled me to retain that vitality, which is a very important aspect of my life.”