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NJBiz: Camden’s MD Anderson Cooper awarded $100K grant to fund community outreach screening program

By Beth Fitzgerald March 10, 2015 at 8:12 AM

The MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper in Camden has been awarded a $100,000 grant from Susan G. Komen Philadelphia to fund its community outreach screening program, which is focused on outreach, awareness and screening for breast and other cancers.

The MD Anderson Cancer Center at Cooper, founded in 2013, is an affiliation between Cooper University Health Care in Camden and the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Last October, MD Anderson expanded its Cooper affiliation through a partnership with Summit Medical Group in Berkeley Heights.

The Susan G. Koman grants is expected to enable MD Anderson Cooper’s outreach and screening program to fund more than 300 mammogram screenings and cover the costs of diagnostic testing and lymphedema treatment for uninsured and underinsured residents of southern New Jersey.

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