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Archives Collingswood fifth grader turns book passion into a mission


To put it mildly, Dakota Williams loves books.

“I think books are the best things in the world,” said Dakota, 11. “I think books can really intrigue people. And books can help them not think about bad things that are going on.”

So when his teachers at William P. Tatem Elementary School in Collingswood challenged him and his fellow fifth graders to come up with projects that would be good for the community and make the world a better place, for Dakota it was a no-brainer:

He was going to do something with books.

He just had no way of knowing how many of them.

On Wednesday, Dakota and his mother, Corine, will hop into their Dodge Nitro and drive a second batch of the more than 1,900 books he collected, plus $175 in cash donations, to their recipient, Cooper University Hospital.

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