News & Stories


Through Cooper Employees’ Support, Healing Gardens Blossom

Dino A. Ripa, Registered Nurse, was one of the several Cooper employees who recently made a donation to support the DiFlorio Healing Garden.

Healing can take many forms – recovery from an illness, restoring emotional health, seeking peace.

The DiFlorio Family Healing Garden, the Healing Garden in Voorhees and the Tranquility Garden at the new cancer center enhance the healing process by providing comfort and serenity for patients, families and loved ones. Our gardens’ welcoming paths, flowers and trees provide strength and renewal to all who enter.

The Cooper Foundation would like to thank several Cooper employees who recently made a donation to support our Gardens. Their personal inscriptions tell a story:

Judith Ann Crisp You fought with strength and grace. – Trauma Staff

Mary Parker Celebrating the “Joy” of life. – Ryan Miller – Director, Patient Logistics

Lynne, Bob, Drew, Christine, & Brian Duffy – Barbara Lynne Duffy, Associate Clinical Director

In Loving Memory of Dino V. & Mary E. Ripa – Dino A. Ripa, Registered Nurse

In Memory of Jeanne Faulkner Our Pharmacy Family – Pharmacy Family

Ron Coulombe World’s Best Patriots Fan Go RokNRon! – Winifred Coulombe, CRNA-APN

We thank you for instilling the importance of health and healing and inspiring others to be a part of the recovery process. A kind gesture can lighten the burden of another while compassion can be the catalyst to healing.

Ripa made a donation because the Healing Garden is very meaningful to him and his family.

“My family spent a lot of time relaxing, reflecting and just spending time together to break up the draining clinical setting during my parents’ stay,” Ripa said. “It is important for patients and family members to know this is a resource for them to retreat to a peaceful place and escape for a short time.”

To learn more about the DiFlorio Healing Garden at the hospital, go to, or if you are interested in the Tranquility Garden at the new cancer center, go to, or call 856-342-2222.